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What to Expect on Sunday

Elements of a typical Unitarian Universalist Sunday morning worship service include:

  • Words of welcome

  • Lighting a flaming chalice, the symbol of our faith

  • A multigenerational segment, such as a “story for all ages”

  • Music, both instrumental and vocal and in a variety of styles

  • A time for lifting up the joys and concerns of the congregation

  • A sharing of responsibility, collecting financial donations for justice work in the community.

  • Readings—ancient or contemporary

  • A presentation given by a guest speaker, or a member of the congregation

  • From time to time, worship incorporates holiday celebrations, multigenerational plays and pageants, longer musical performances, rituals, child dedications, and coming-of-age ceremonies.


We offer faith formation programs for children and youth most Sundays during the service. 


Services begin at 10:30am and generally conclude at 11:30pm, followed by open discussion. In person services are held with COVID precautions: Vaccinations are strongly suggested for all eligible people, masks are required, and social distancing is encouraged in the building.

You can join us during our "Zoom Sundays" two different ways:

1. By computer, tablet, or smartphone, using this link:

2. By telephone: Call either of these numbers and enter the Meeting ID 927 1881 9188 when prompted. 
   +1 301 715 8592  or   +1 253 215 8782 


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