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Sunday Programs

Service begins at 10:30 am. Upon your arrival, a greeter will welcome you to our fellowship.

On most Sundays, the Order of Service is as follows:

  • Musical Prelude

  • Announcements

  • Opening Words and Opening Music

  • Chalice Lighting and Affirmation

  • Welcoming of guests and sharing of joys and concerns

  • Musical Interlude and the “Share the Plate” Offering

  • Speaker’s Presentation

  • Extinguishing of Chalice

  • Closing Words and Closing Music

  • Musical Postlude

From beginning to end, the service is typically about an hour long. After the service, feel free to stay for on-line conversation.

Are the services at the UUWV led by a minister?

We do not have an “in-house” minister. Our service leaders begin and end the service, and the speakers –congregation members, visiting ministers, academics, or experts–address that Sunday’s topic. Speakers and topics for services are chosen by our Program Planning Committee. As our members and visitors have diverse interests and beliefs, we try to make sure our Sunday Services reflect that with a variety of topics.

Are children allowed to stay with parents during the service?

Children are more than welcome to listen to the service with their parents. At the UUWV, we greatly value family. We provide childcare in our nursery and Religious Education for ages pre-K and up, and we have a toy-filled “Wiggle Room” so parents of infants and toddlers who want or need to stay with their little ones can comfortably watch and listen to the service.

What kind of music is used in your services?

Live music is an integral element of our service, from traditional hymns and classical music to contemporary songs. We have many talented musicians who perform for us.

Is this church a good fit for me?

Since we have a variety of speakers and topics, we really recommend attending several services to get the feel of what the First UU Church of West Volusia is about.

To view descriptions of this month’s services, please visit our Future Services section.



The First Unitarian Universalist Church

of West Volusia

🧭116 S. Clara Avenue, Deland, Florida 32720

Copyright ⓒ 2024 UU Deland

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